教育管理教育硕士(M.Ed. 管理.)





少至15人 个月




在短短15个月内通过在线教育管理硕士学位快速进入教育领导职位. 教育管理硕士学位将为您提供令人兴奋的新教育机会和更大的收入潜力. 在CIU,我们提供全面的课程,为您提供在当今瞬息万变的教育领导环境中取得成功的技能和知识. 我们的课程设计在短短15个月内完成, allowing you to earn your degree quickly and get started on your career goals. 在此过程中,您将得到经验丰富的教师的支持,他们在教育管理领域服务多年,并拥有丰富的知识与您分享. Our faculty are committed to helping you grow and develop as a leader, 他们将与你们密切合作,确保你们获得成功所需的资源和支持. 将您的职业提升到一个新的水平,并通过我们的在线教育管理硕士课程对教育界产生有意义的影响.

注意:该学位课程目前不使毕业生有资格获得南卡罗来纳州教育部的任何教学或校长证书, 证书, 或任何其他授权.


澳门新葡京网站是寻求教育管理硕士学位的学生的绝佳选择. 我们的课程获得了南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC)的地区认证。, 确保你能获得高质量的教育,得到全国各地雇主的认可和尊重. 我们的在线课程可以随时访问, 24/7, 为您提供所需的灵活性,以平衡您的学习与个人和职业责任. 另外, 我们为符合条件的申请人提供经济援助, making our program affordable and accessible to students from all backgrounds. Our online classes are taught by experienced faculty members with doctoral degrees, ensuring that you receive the highest level of instruction and mentorship. 我们的教师是教育管理方面的专家, and they are committed to helping you succeed in your studies and achieve your career goals. 整体, 澳门新葡京网站的教育管理硕士课程为学生提供知识, skills and credentials needed to make a meaningful impact in the education community. 无论你是一名经验丰富的教育家还是教育专业人士,你都可以获得实现职业目标所需的技能,并对他人的生活产生积极的影响. 


教育管理硕士学位为那些寻求进入教育管理领域的人提供了广泛的好处和机会. You will gain a deeper understanding of leadership principles, 人力资源, 财务及预算, supervision of instruction and teaching on the modalities of learning. CIU的教育管理硕士学位将指导您了解教育管理领域的最新趋势和发展,并为您的职业生涯做好充分准备. In addition to leadership positions in the field of education, this degree can open opportunities in fields such as educational advocacy and oversight. 



  • EDU 7300课程基础

    本课程将使教师和管理人员能够从圣经的世界观发展课程和使用教学设计. Students will learn to integrate faith and learning by designing integrated instruction, 写标准和目标, 从圣经的世界观教导批判性思维. Products from the course will include a comprehensive list of standards for education, 批判性思维技能的列表, and a knowledge of models for biblical or character integration for use in integrated lessons.

  • 真实评估


  • 课程开发与教学

    This course is designed to assist students in developing and analyzing curriculum. 哲学, 理论, and strategies will be examined in planning and developing long- and short-range units. Principles of knowledge, aesthetics, and values are considered in light of teaching and learning.

  • 教育研究

    This course is designed to enable students to conduct and evaluate educational research. 教学将强调主要原则, 方法, and procedures of research as employed by students of education. Special emphasis is given to researching educational and administrative effectiveness in the school.

  • EDU 5515制度进步

    Today's administrator's role encompasses more than overseeing day-to-day activities of a school. They must address such complex issues as fundraising, vision casting, and public relations. 本课程强调学校校长必须能够有效完成的关键行政程序,以发展和维持一个健康的学校. 战略规划, 开发和营销, and financial accountability are explored in light of biblical principles. Application of every strategy to actual cases helps the students to transfer theory into practice.

  • 法律和人事

    This course looks at the school administrator's ethical and legal responsibility toward constituents, 尤其是人员. A broad knowledge of school law is essential for the administrator to make wise, 数据功能, 为学校做决定. 校法的研究中包含了对有效人事管理的原则和实践的研究. Case studies are used to understand and apply legal issues affecting the entire school constituency. Biblical application of all principles and practices is a key focus.

  • 教学监督

    本课程将帮助监管人员提高有效实施监管和评估原则的能力. This improvement will be influenced from a biblical worldview, 具有相关教育理论知识, 并有机会将这些原则和知识应用于具体的监管问题和实践.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.


  • 完成应用程序
  • Official transcripts for highest earned degree and any master’s degree work
  • 一份专业参考,一份一般参考
  • 最小累积2.7日平均绩点


SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)


  • 副校长 
  • 主要 
  • 管理员k - 12 
  • 教育署长 
  • 项目负责人 
  • 教育评估者 
  • Title 1项目主任 
  • 教育管理人员 
  • 教育顾问 
  • 企业培训师 
  • 政策分析 
  • 研究员 


What opportunities are afforded to me upon completing this program?

完成教育管理硕士学位后,你将有资格担任校长或副校长等职位, 教育总监, Title 1项目的主任等等. 通过准备自己进入教育领域的领导角色,促进你的职业发展,提高你的收入潜力.


澳门新葡京网站的教育硕士课程设计在15个月内完成. This accelerated timeline allows you to earn your degree quickly and get started on your career goals.

Can I do this program as a part-time student as well as a full-time student?

是的, 澳门新葡京网站的教育学硕士课程设计灵活,能够适应非全日制和全日制学生的需求. 你可以选择以适合你的速度上课, whether that means completing the program in 15 个月 or taking longer to finish.


All classes in the Master of Education program are delivered online and are offered in six-week terms. 每学期, 你一次只选一门课, allowing you to focus your attention and complete each course thoroughly.


是的, 澳门新葡京网站教育硕士课程的学费中包含书籍. You will not have to worry about purchasing textbooks or other materials separately, 因为它们将作为学费的一部分提供. You can expect to receive the required books and materials for each course at the start of the term, 所以你可以马上开始学习.


是的, 澳门新葡京网站教育硕士项目的合格申请者可以获得经济资助. Check the 金融援助 page for more information on the application process and available resources.


是的, 澳门新葡京网站的教育硕士课程为需要额外支持和指导的学生提供指导计划. 您将被分配一名导师,他将在整个项目中与您一起工作,帮助您取得成功并实现您的目标.

Is it necessary to have an undergraduate degree in education to apply for this program?

No, 申请澳门新葡京网站的教育学硕士课程并不一定要有教育学本科学位. 然而, 申请人必须拥有认可机构的学士学位,并符合其他入学要求.

